All tools are provided as is, with no express or implied warranty for accuracy. Keep in mind that they're all in (pre) beta and might be under construction now and then.

.htaccess redirect generator

Create two columns in Excel, first one with the old URL's (source) and the second with the new URL's (target). When you're done, just paste the two columns from Excel into the "input" field below en click "Create redirects". Save the output to an .htaccess file (no filename, just an extension) an upload to your staging environment to test. In a live environment you might want to disable the comments. To keep performance as high as possible: keep your most accessed URL's as high as possible in your list. After a match, the L option will make it the last line processed, all following lines are skipped.

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Developed by freelance SEO consultant Sander Tamaƫla.
Ondersteund door burn out coach Janske.